
Indicates whether the domain is passed as a parameter is transferable, or not.

Inputs Description Type Regular expression Mandatory
name Domain name String [A-Za-z0-9-\.]{5,150} Yes
authcode The authcode of the domain String No


Outputs Description Type Regular expression Mandatory
value Information of the transferability of a domain String :
– Transfer OUT
503 : «authorization failed. Not reseller of this domain (Nom du domaine)»
550 :«parameter value policy error. domainName (Nom du domaine) »
Not transferable:
200 : «The domain is not transferable. The actual creation date (Date de création du domaine) does not correpond to the transfer period allowed»
200 : «This domain is not transferable (statut : Statut du domaine)»
200 : «This domain is transferable (statut : Statut du domaine)»

– Transfer IN
Not transferable:
200 : «domain already in the requested operation.»
200 : «The authcode does not correspond to the domain.»
200 : «This domain is not transferable. The actual status (Statut du domaine) does not allow the operation.»
200 : «This domain is not transferable. The actual creation date (Date de création du domaine) does not correpond to the transfer period criteria.»
200 : «This domain is transferable (statut :Statut du domaine)»
200 : Si le domaine est transferable IN chez Namebay: «This domain does not belong to namebay (WHOIS statut : Statut du Whois) »
550 : «Parsing WHOIS forbidden, check manually »






<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<result code="…">